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ICP is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company: Why It Matters

April 10, 2024

ISO 9001:2015 is an industry standard for manufacturing businesses. But what is it, exactly? And why should ICP’s customers care?

CAS International ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company Certificate No. US1919What is ISO 9001:2015 Certification?

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for quality management systems that ensures a business always produces quality products and services – and that the company is committed to quality. “9001” refers to the type of certification (in this case, for quality control) and “2015” refers to the year that the standard was originally established.

>> View ICP’s ISO 9001:2015 Certification 

What Does This Certification Mean for Our Customers?

ICP is 9001 certified for our thermoforming, die cutting, laminating, heat bending and miscellaneous assembly services. For our customers, this means that our quality management processes have been independently assessed and verified. So when we say that we are committed to producing the best parts possible, we’re not just saying it – we’ve proven it.

The principles and requirements we have to uphold to meet ISO 9001 certification are those that most of our customers look for with a partner:

  • Customer focus – We ensure that we directly address the needs of our customers and that we produce parts to customer satisfaction.
  • Involvement of people – The 9001 certification also looks at how employees contribute to the quality management systems. At ICP, our company culture prioritizes quality production.
  • Process and documentation – To meet certification requirements, internal quality standards and processes must be in place to ensure performance. All employees are involved in the processes, and processes are documented. This also ensures that decisions are made based on data, not assumptions.
  • Continuous improvement – Our parts, processes and people are always in a cycle of review and improvement, to increase efficiency and performance. 

In short, the ISO 9001:2015 certification is independent verification that ICP has an established and recognized internal quality control system, to ensure the best possible end parts.

Since 1955, ICP has grown to become an award-winning leader in prototyping, developing, and manufacturing high-quality plastic and flexible products. The foundation of our company is our absolute, unyielding commitment to high-quality work and on-time delivery.

Contact us and speak with an engineer about your project at (612) 781-2255, or request a quote online. You will receive a prompt response.


Industrial Custom Products is a one-stop-shop for custom manufacturing and plastic fabrication, including: prototyping and product development, die cutting and dieless knife cutting, thermoforming and vacuum forming, large part thermoforming, CNC plastic routing, fabrication and assembly and drape forming.

